Thursday, February 7, 2008

Bad Week

Well, I guess you had to figure it was coming sooner
or later...but I would have chose later. I had
a little gain this week 0.8 I know, not even a whole
pound. My counselor is thinking my body may be
adjusted to the "routine" of the diet and I am going
to have to shake it up a bit. She and the nurse
will be helping me see if I can reboost my momentium.
So, I will once again ask for prayers that the weight
start coming off again. I will let you know in the
weeks to come how the changes are working out.


Carolyn Brooks said...

Hang in there! What you have done and will do is amazing!

Unknown said...

I am so impressed when I read what you've accomplished over the past year! You are my inspiration. Can you tell me how you got started? I think journaling (in your case) blogging seems really important.You are truly amazing!