Thursday, September 27, 2007

-1 This week

Well, compared to last week, this week was a bit of a let down.
However, I can hear my friend Brad's voice in my head saying,
"Down is down and headed in the right direction." And he is right!
I had been having trouble getting my heart rate up at the gym
this week, but I put some extra effort into it tonight and hit my
target heart rate pretty early in the workout. I hope to be able
to continue getting the heart rate up, because I know that is what
is helping me burn the fat and loose the weight.
Today is my 7 month HMR anniversary. I started the HMR
program on Feb. 27th and to date I have lost 79.1 pounds. I
still have a lot to loose, but I know with this program and the
great support team (you all) I have in place I can keep going
until I reach my goal. Thanks y'all!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Down another 4.3 pounds

Wow, I am glad last week was only a minor set back. I
didn't have any soda this week, and look at the difference.

I had a break through moment this week that I want
to share with you. Usually or before (the later I hope)
when I am stressed I physically feel hungry and want
to eat. Well, on Tuesday I had a STRESS filled day, but
I never felt hungry. The thought that kept coming into
mind was "just make it until 4:30 and you can go workout."
Now that is a super change for me. I don't know, but
maybe I am starting to "get" this exercise thing. I am
still going to Curves 6 times a week and love it. I never
in my life thought those words would ever be coming
out of my mouth.

I was also blessed this week when a friend, who
has also been losing weight, offered me some of her
gently worn clothes that were now too big for her. This
trying to stay clothed while loosing weight so quickly is
a challenge. I will need to loose a little bit more before
I can comfortably wear my "new" clothes, but when
I can my budget will get a much needed break :)

Well, that is all for this week. Thanks for putting up
with my chatter each week.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

It dropped !

Last week I said I was "waiting for the other shoe to drop".
It did. This week I was up 1 pound :( I did have more diet soda this
week than usual, so I am wondering about sodium amounts and water
retention. Anyway, NO SODA this week and we will see what happens.

I just realized when I logged on that I had promised to post my Curves
results and I didn't. Sorry. But, at least that will give me something
good to report tonight. So, drum roll please.........

In one month at Curves I -
lost 12.6 pounds
lost 13.25 inches
lost 10.6 pounds of body fat
Now that is something I can smile about :) And I will get back on track
with the weight loss.
Please pray that this week goes much better. Thanks.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

-4 Pounds This Week

I can't believe it myself. I am waiting for "the
other shoe to drop". I can't believe I have had
so many good weeks in a row. I certainly hope
it continues for several reasons.

1. it feels good.
2. I will get to my goal quicker.
3. I set a short term goal tonight that may stretch
me if I slow down at all.

Tonight in class we were asked to write down a
goal weight that we will work toward achieving
by Nov. 20th. The weight I wrote down is
21.6 pounds down from where I am tonight.
If I can reach this goal it will put me right on
track to my New Year's eve goal. Some of you have
heard me say I want to have lost 100 - 110 pounds
by New Year's eve.
I am at -74.8 pounds today and if I can accomplish
the short goal I will be at -95 by Thanksgiving. I
would have to work hard, but I could then be
between 100 and 110 pounds down by New
Year's eve.
I also must admit I think I maybe becoming a
Curves addict. I had to miss my Curves workout
for 4 days in a row over the holiday weekend, and
the first two day back to work this week were
horrible. I worked out Wed. afternoon and today
was a really good day. I just came in from working
out tonight, so I am looking forward to a super
On Saturday morning when I go to work out I get
to do the 1 month weigh and measure thing. I can't
wait. I stepped on the scale at curves tonight and
I know I have lost at least 10 pounds by their scale
in a month. I am anxious to find out how many inches
too. I will try to remember to post Saturday or Sunday
to let you all know.
I also earned my first Curves t-shirt last week and
received it tonight. I brought a friend from work
and after a couple of trial sessions she decided to
join. That earned me a T-shirt :)
Thanks to all of you who continue to check up on
me, encourage me, and help me along the way.
It means more than words can express.