Monday, August 20, 2007

I HATE Change...

... but sometimes it is necessary and now is one of those times. I am having to change
days for my weight loss class due to class conflicts on Monday. I will now be weighing
in and posting on Thursday nights. My weight loss class will be from 4:30 - 5:30 and
then I may go to Curves, but I should be posted by 7:30 or 8:00 Thursday night.
Thanks everyone for hanging with me on this journey.
See you Thursday


Shump said...

Where are your priorities? Come on now work?? gettting in the way of your class. Oh well I guess you can't quit or you won't be able to afford to keep going to class. GOOD LUCK!!

Polly said...

You are doing great Debbie!

Melissa said...

Change does stink, but it seems like you have a great attitude. Keep up the good work.

Brian, Jamie, Molly & Sarah said...

Good luck tonight! Since it has been longer, it just means probably a bigger loss, yeah!! You are doing great!!!
