Monday, June 18, 2007

OVER 50!!!

I lost 3 pounds this week bringing my total to 50.8 pounds
in 16 weeks. I am enjoying the fruits and veggies of summer
and still loosing the weight. This is GREAT!

I have had a lot of you tell me you are reading my blog, and
I want to say thank you for letting me know. Many of you
are not making commits, so unless you say something to
me I don't know. Just knowing people are reading helps
me with my accountability and is so encouraging. Thanks.

I am taking some time off from work in a couple of weeks
and have been debating a mini trip. I keep hearing other
peoples stories about vacation, and how things didn't
go well..."vacation" scares me a little. I will let you know
what I decide and the results.

Thanks again for supporting and encouraging me on this


Shump said...


That is an awsome mile marker on your journey. Keep up the great work.

As for vacation, have fun, but get in your mind long before you go, this is a vacation from work, not from eating well and doing the weight loss program.

Polly said...

Go Debbie Go!

I am so proud of you for losing the the weight and for your great attitude.

Love you!
